Saturday, January 31, 2009


First to describe the title. My dear friend Peter uses this term quite a bit. I find it endearing for more than one reason. First, I love Peter, and he himself makes me smile. Second, because it seems like a term a 4 year old would use. Third, because it's seemingly harmless, and a lot nicer sounding than the word I'm usually thinking. Last, because its uses can be all encompassing, and you can call anyone for just about any reason a sillyhead, thus making the term incredibly useful.

Today, I'm going to use the term to describe some of the people in attendance of one of my favorite pass times... country dancing.

Now, my following description does not by any means describe all guys that I know, nor does it describe all guys that go country dancing. It does however describe a select handful of guys that seem to find themselves in Salt Lake City, at Studio 600, on Thursday nights. (Oh, and just a side note, the boots in that picture are hot, and I wish they were mine,) So, as I mentioned, country dancing is one of my favorite pass times, and I go probably about 3 or 4 times a month. I've been doing that for a while, so I've gotten to get into a pretty good swing of things. One thing that never ceases to throw me off are these great group of young men that I will categorize as SILLYHEADS.

These sillyheads don't always have a reputation of being the greatest dancers, which is fine. Not everyone can be expected to be a great dancer. But the thing that throws them into this category is the incredible things they choose to say... a few examples, not all examples by any means, only the great quotes I can remember at the moment. And of coarse, I've had help from friends, because I can't get to all the sillyheads on my own...

"Hey, did you know that you have really curly hair?"

"You have a really strong...body."

"You have really nice teeth."
"Thank you."
"Yeah, my whole family is in the plastic surgery business."

"Did you play soccer in high school?"
"Oh, it's just that you have really thick legs."

"Wow, it looks like you've been dancing a lot tonight.."

And this one may be my favorites so far. This was said to my dear friend Abby this past Thursday..keep in mind, this is while music is blaring, while they are dancing...

"Do you prefer Smith's or Albertson's?"
"Um...Smith's I guess."
"Really, why?"
"Uh, because it's closer to my house."
"Really? That's the only reason?"
"Um.. yeah, I guess."
"Well Albertson's has a really great produce section. Their salads are really cripsy."

I understand it's not always easy to come up with conversation, but that's one of the beauties of dancing. You don't have to talk! Anyway, bless their hearts. Sillyheads.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Unsolved Mysteries

What do you see when you look at this picture? Well, as my dear friend Jordan put it best, I see, "A bunch of tiny little men running around on a field." That's what I see, yet, somehow, most of the men that I know see hours and hours and hours...and hours of entertainment. This to me, will remain an unsolved mystery.
Jordan and I ate at Ernie's Sports Deli this morning. Oh so very delicious. As usual, Ernie's had ESPN on, and that struck up a conversation between the two of us. How in the world do guys enjoy watching ESPN all day? Especially when it's endless sports clips. How is it that most guys know exactly what's going, what team is playing, and how that ten second play effected the entire game. All I see is nonsense and hours of boredom. My brothers in particular can watch sports highlights for a longer amount of time than I can spend on my hair, which is impressive. More than ESPN, the channel that captivates a man's attention in an inexplicable way is...
How in the world can guys watch sharks for four hours? Why is it interesting to watch elephants spray each other with water? How is it enjoyable to watch people from foreign countries eat bugs? What makes Bear Grylls the man? Why do you love to watch super geeks blow stuff up? Why is Planet Earth the greatest show ever created?
Almost every guy that I know over the age of 21 makes his first big investment by purchasing a nice big TV. Why do they do that? So that they can watch ESPN and the Discovery Channel.
Maybe the key to it all is that women just aren't supposed to understand....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

So if you eat as much candy as I do, you begin to learn some things about different types of candy. One of my favorites things I've come across are the silly messages inside the wrapper of Dove candy. (And by the way, why is it that the same company that makes the soap and lotion I use on my skin makes the chocolate I put in my mouth. They had better be two separate factories my friend.) I recently had the pleasure of enjoying a bag of caramel chocolates that my dear friend Jordan purchased. Here were some of the Dove-isms from this time around...

  • The most enjoyable experiences are often free.
  • Let chocolate warm your soul.
  • Think without limits.
  • Patience is a virtue.
  • Make a pledge to get 8 hours of shut eye.
  • Think without limits.
  • Success is the sum of many small efforts.
  • Think of someone who makes you smile.

Profound. Certainly not. Entertaining? Sure. Worth putting on a blog? Probably not. But I did it anyway. Yay for post #2. :) Rach

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Who ever thought I'd see the day that I made myself a blog.... ha. This should be fun.